Air Filtration Systems and Air Purifiers in North Myrtle Beach, SC
If someone asked you whether you liked breathing dirty air or clean air, you’d pick clean air 100% of the time. Truth is, the air in most homes is actually of a lower quality than outside air, and not by a menial percentage point. You could be breathing cleaner air right now.
Our technicians can install air filtration and purification systems in your home quickly and efficiently, giving you cleaner air on a continuous basis from here on out. It’s an investment in your home that pays for itself by improving your health.
Contact us today to schedule air filtration and air purifier services in North Myrtle Beach, SC as soon as possible and improve your indoor air quality. We’re more than HVAC services; we give you peace of mind.
Ultravation UVPhotoMAX GI

The UVPhotoMAX GI whole-home purification system eliminates chemical pollution, germs, odors, and allergens. Using a powerful combination of a UV light and ion generator, the UVPhotoMAX freshens your home’s air by inactivating bacteria and capturing micro- and nano-particles in filtration.
Ultravation Orion

The Orion Bi-Polar Air Ionizer captures the nano- and micro- particles that standard filters cannot. Particles are statically charged by generated ions, which are then attracted to one another and combine. The combined particles either grow large enough to be caught by a filter, or become so heavy that they fall out of the air. Thegenerated ions also disrupt molecules, which reduces odors, viruses, and bacteria.
Ultravation UltraMAX EZUV

The UltraMAX EZUV is a a germicidal light that prevents airborne infections and stops HVAC bio-growth. The ultraviolet (UV) light stops fungus and bacteria laden sludge that clogs HVAC coils, drain lines, and drain pans. Visit the UV Light Treatment in North Myrtle Beach, SC page to learn more!
Ultravation ProgressiveMedia Filters

The ProgressiveMedia filters from Ultravation are an incredibly useful and durable option for air filtration in your home. The pleated and layered design has nine times more surface area than the traditional 30-day filter, meaning it only needs changed once every six months (or even once a year!).
TRANE® CleanEffects
The Trane CleanEffects whole-house air filtration system can elimate up to 99.98% of allergens and reduce the dust in your home by up to 50%. CleanEffects can also remove particules as fine as 0.1 microns, making it up to 100 times more effective than a standard one inch filter.